miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

De ce?

De ce crezi oare tu,cel care citesti,
ca daca bei doar apa chiar n-ai sa-mbatranesti?
De ce se sfarma piatra si da numai nisip
ce curge precum timpul din clepsidra risipit?
El pleaca asadar spre a se reuni cu greu
chiar cu desertul searbad cel ce-a nascut pe-Orfeu.

E chiar acel Orfeu care Infernul a-nfruntat
dand omului speranta chiar dupa-ntunecat;
caci dragostea e oarba si ne-nfricata boala
ce ne aduce-ntr-un final la ceasuri de rascoala.
Ne revoltam pe viata,si nu ne-acceptam soarta
pentru ca-n cele din urma moartea sa-si faca fapta.

De ce sa merg intr-una pe drumuri pustii,reci
cand timpul de-mi da una de-aici nu ma dezlegi...?
Nu te dezleaga nimeni,decat cel ce-a legat
cuvantul pentru a te tine aici,de-a pururi,el si-a dat.
Nu incerca sa scapi ca mai apoi sa fugi,
caci soarta ta te prinde si tot aici ajungi.

E-o ceata deasa parca sa te tot pierzi in ea
precum un Odiseu,nu-ti accepta soarta...
Vasleste,fugi departe si nu da inapoi
sau timpul cel necrutator te va lua de langa noi.
Te va izbi de creasta norilor ceresti
si vantul te va duce spre timpuri nepamantesti.
Vei infrunta o viata-ntreag-al tau esec
si nu putea-vei nicicand ura-ti sa stapanesti.

Din pasi grabiti in alti marunti imi schimb iar si iar mersul
tot alternand ce-i bun cu rau ca sa nu le pierd sensul.
Din greu e simplu dar complex si totul pare aspru
iar clipa asta de acum parca imi muta astrul...
De ce sa fac din doua una si nu chiar trei sau patru
ca sa le-aduc intr-un sfarsit sa poat-a-mi ghida pasul?

vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012

Welcome home!

 Oh please do come in my dear!I have for so long been expecting you...'tis I the one responsable for your presence here this very moment.
  "Who are you?"
   Who am I?!Who are you?or better yet,who are we all?Could you ever answer me that?
  "Of course I can...I know very well who I am,don't you?"
  You THINK you do.But then again,who doesn't...?You human beings throw your entire life away when you have it,while you have it.When will you learn?!when will you start cherishing what you have even before it comes to an end and you realise it was only something many call a day dream?You see my dear,when we live,we see ourselves as being invincible,nothing can harm us.We waste years during life and in the end we wind up begging for moments.You are all promised death from the very beginning without the benefit of calling a vote.
  "What do you mean?what are you trying to say over there?That I've been given birth just for someone to be able to watch me fade away into nothingness?"
  "Precisely...You are given a certain number of decades to live so as to find your own way around through life.You have the ability to experience some of the most beautiful feelings life has to offer to human kind.During your visit on Earth in your material form you experience love.You share beautiful seconds which seem then to last forever but afterwards pass so as to make place for others.But as Karma says,one is never supposed to be too happy.Human beings should share happy with ferocious moments of pain.He shall have no knowledge of the dead nor the way things are after their passing.He shall feel no pain nor understanding of the afterlife until the day he joins it.Up to the moment of death,he shall analyse his entire existence through the perspective of a critic and visualising alternate versions of what he formerly called NOW.His entire existence will be haunted by the idea which represents things in a continual change.The fact that things could be much more different if he had the ability to reverse time,will jump inside his mind whenever time plays a trick on him and repercursions come to place."
 "But why the Hell are you telling me all these things I already know?"
My dear,can you remember the day your parents threw a birthday party when you turned 16?
 "Obviously...that was a fiasco.The cake they bought for me,well,I landed on it after stepping on my first boyfriends feet while dancing.What a humiliating day that was...I remember some friends of mine started laughing without any control."
But you had fun,even though there were some moments you're ashamed of.You felt happyness and joy.That party was the last your parents gave for you...a couple of weeks after that they disappeared into an accident and their bodies were never found...
 "But how on earth could you know so many things about me?who are you?where am I?and why the hell are you telling me all of this?"
 "...because it is your time,love...it's been made so that we could meet here,now...Your were supposed to feel only this far...Can you remember us?"
 "...I wish I couldn't...I wish right now I were blind or..."
 "Dead?is that what you were going to say?"
 "...yeah...But how can you be here?How can I be here?What IS here?am still young,I've still got a million things to do,so many plans to fulfill,I can't just go like this..."
 "But you can,and unfortunately that is never our choice."
 "I think I'm going insane...I can't be here with the two of you..."
 "And yet,here we are,here you are..."

Do you believe me now?it is here where you will stay from now on for some time.This is your afterlife.White everywhere you look.Call this your sanitarium,you are not insane though.You are just here.You were meant to go to sleep and wake up here.All of your questions will find their answers soon enough.You've got eternity to find whatever you are looking for...Welcome home!

miercuri, 11 ianuarie 2012

Mirosul mortii

Ce ai facut tu cel ce esti
aici dintotdeauna?
Cum ai putut pe-acei copii
sa-i pedepsesti intr-una?

Mirosul mortii pluteste-n aer si striga...
Da,iti da verdictul meritat si te acuza
caci ai luat nevinovata viata lor
si ai zdrobit-o in pridvor doar ca si cum
ti-ar apartine si numai de tine ei ar tine.

Le-ai dat tu viat-aceea lor pentru a o trai din plin,
in schimb ce ti-au facut ei tie,prea puri,
lipsiti de preacurvie,cum ti-au gresit ei oare
cand nu stiau saracii nici cum sa mearga in picioare?
Te-au alungat?te-au asuprit?au aruncat cu pietre?
cum oare de i-ai pedepsit tu singur far' de regrete?

E sange ce curge siroaie si te acuza chiar pe tine,
tu cel ce faci atata bine acum gresesti.
Cum se cuvine ca tu din ceruri,unde esti
la nici 3 ani soarta sa le-o pecetluiesti?
E putrefactie ce simti,si vei simti de-a pururi,
caci nemurirea ta de zeu nu te salveaza,ci te-nchide
in propria sfintire acum patata doar de tine.

Vei mai pretinde oare tu ca noi sa te slujim?
Acum pentru ce tu-ai facut noi intre noi ne pedepsim.
Cum am putea noi oare tie sa-ti cerem socoteala,
caci tu nu esti niciunde cand vine vreunul un ajutor sa-ti ceara.
Se lasa seara peste noi si sangele curge siroi,dar Tu ce stai acolo sus
te uiti la noi binedispus,nepedepsit si multumit
de vietile ce le-ai dorit si-n somnul lor tu le-ai rapit.
O dulce moarte ce pururi vii la noi,poti oare taia timpul ce fura viata-n toi?

vineri, 6 ianuarie 2012

Free will

I feel,I touch,see differently;
I look,I speak,talk rapidly;
Like all the things I've touched so far,
have now become nothing but tar;
Like what once used to mean the world,
right now has vanished,gone stone cold.

All that I do,all that I see can never get their hands on me...
All that you feel,all that you do will always mean the world to you.
Like water flowing through the sand,my life now trembles in your hand;
the one that's gripping,squeezing me will never ever set me free.

Feel like the river feels the curves,touches the earth and then erodes,
change like the weather changes ground,
change like time itself turns all around
and leaves to us nothing but choice.
The choice to do what you see right.
the choice to trust your own eyesight,
the choice to hear whatever is
the coice to feel and then resist
the lust that comes all over you
to trust me now,you know it's true.

sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2011


 I live through life and live this day
To do my mind and never pray.
 Welcome to the show,you're all witnesses you see
Nothing today that you can do shall shed a tear of blood on me.
 Why search for Heaven when it's still
This Earth than you and me can see,no living Hell nor God can be
More than is Man through agony.

No God can make me see his eyes
that dare me now to socialise.
No Devil shall disguise himself
to drag me down beneath,to Hell.

'tis more than man that can subdue
the powers left to us from you,
to conquer all the world through war
to gain control and then devour.
Your hand,I can escape it's grasp
escape your eyesight and alast
free all my being now from you
to worship me and none of you.

You may be one,you may be more
but I can now ignore your odour;
ignore the smell of dying flesh
escape the feeling I shal perish.
I cannot die until I'm done
to do whatever I'm supposed
to learn all that my life will show
aknowledge you,my grinding hallow.

vineri, 30 decembrie 2011

Show me the light

Push me forward then rotate me
show me how and now reject me.
If I close my eyes forever,
will you still watch over then?
If I close my eyes forever,
could you draw me just a map
so to show me if forever
is even closer than a nap?

Is it right here,or is it fading?
Are you up front or what'm I reading?
Why am I blinded by this seed
that slowly falls within the deep,and leaves
in me nothing else but steep,
too steep three stepless stairs
which I perceive as being there
but still yet somewhere,far,so far from here
so far from me that I can't hear,
can't see nor smell the fear
of being dead yet living.
Can't seem to step up those three stairs,
can't seem to climb down through the air,
no way for me to live between
The living things that still hold on
and how the light embraces none.

miercuri, 28 decembrie 2011

De mult pierdut...

Te regasesc iubire,in adancuri
Unde erau doar lacrimi si durere,
Inmuguresti asemeni unui pom
Dupa o lunga iarna de tacere.

Ramai aici,nu vreau sa pleci departe,
Ramai cu mine pana in amurg
Sa-mi vindeci iadul ranilor din suflet,
Cu nori ce trec si ape care curg.

Nimic pe lume nu e imposibil,
Deci imposibila nu esti nici tu.
Alcatuieste-mi un itinerariu
Sa stiu cand este "da" si cand e "nu".

Eu nici o lege nu am incalcat,
Insa tot simt ca tu iar m-ai tradat.
Ma simt furat,pierdut in ceturi dese
Iar tu nicicand n-ai sa incerci sa-ti pese.